Tuesday 10 April 2012

iPhone 5 likely to arrive in June this year

The Chinese electronics manufacturer Foxconn, known for making various Apple devices, has been going through a strong recruitment drive, which hints that something new is cooking in there.
The reason for this drive seems to be the upcoming new iPhone. A source within the company has said that the next version of the popular smartphone is expected to arrive in two months time.
The Foxconn representative mistakenly called the next version of the smartphone iPhone 5 but this is technically incorrect since the fifth incarnation of the smartphone was the already released iPhone 4S.

Of course the information is preliminary and is by no means official but the hints are here. In addition the new iPhone may not be what it seems to be today.
The iPhone 5 is expected to be a big technological leap ahead for Apple and it will have to compete with the HTC One X and the Samsung Galaxy S3 for domination on the smartphone market.

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